
How to Plan a Menu for an Allergy-Free Spring Party

Tips for throwing an allergy-free spring party. Did you know that about 32 million Americans suffer from food allergies? That number includes about seven million children, most of whom are allergic to more than one kind of food. So if you’re planning a party for adults or kids, it’s a good idea to try avoiding

Six Tips for Preparing Your Sinuses for Spring

Spring is upon us! There are many things to appreciate about this season but if you suffer from seasonal allergies, you may only be looking forward to some things being in bloom. So instead of dreading the season this year, be proactive about preparing your sinuses for what’s about to happen. If you suffer from

Spring Has Sprung, Don’t Let Your Allergies Spring Up

Pretty but Painful: Flowers to Avoid

They’re beautiful, fragrant, and a symbol of love and devotion. Unfortunately, for many people, flowers are a trigger for allergic reactions. Is there a solution? Yes! You can still enjoy flowers, and give flowers to your allergic loved ones, as long as you know which flowers to avoid. The flowers to avoid if you have allergies are